Looking For Hourly Employees? Here’s How To Find Good Ones!

Looking For Hourly Employees? Here’s How To Find Good Ones!

How can companies make applying for hourly jobs easier? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

Answer by Sean Behr, CEO, Fountain, on Quora:

Think about the last time you applied for a job. You likely were using a desktop computer, had to click through dozens of pages, upload documents, and answer questions, only to receive a generic “thank-you” email seconds later. It’s hard not to feel adrift in a sea of countless candidates, all vying for the same position but never quite sure where you stand. For hourly jobs, this process can be even more cumbersome, resulting in most candidates dropping off altogether and applying elsewhere.

Happy Applicants=More Candidates

Happy applicants tend to stick around longer once hired and become ambassadors for a company’s brand, but many drop off long before day one due to slow, clunky processes. In fact, Fountain found that 60% of candidates have quit an application because of its length or complexity. Because hourly workers are usually applying to multiple positions at the same time, whoever is first to hire them will win the race for talent.

To overcome these challenges, it’s essential for companies to embrace new and innovative technologies that streamline and automate the hiring process, making it easier to find, assess, and hire top talent. Easy-to-follow steps will increase the speed with which candidates move through the process, and more transparency at each step will help the candidate feel more valued and connected to the organization, while also increasing the likelihood of continued engagement long after they’re hired.

Clear, Consistent Communication Sets the Tone

The timeliness and the way you communicate with candidates will have an impact on how your company is perceived. Every candidate should receive an acknowledgment after they have submitted an application to your company. This should be the case even if you are hiring thousands of candidates at one time.

Delays in contacting candidates or substandard communication can be reported on company review sites like Glassdoor. Job seekers who read these reviews may be reluctant to apply for jobs for fear of a sluggish or nonresponsive application process. In fact, 80% of job applicants list lack of communication or slow communication as a reason for rescinding their candidacy.

Personalization and customization are important aspects of a successful candidate experience. By tailoring the recruitment process to meet the needs and preferences of individual candidates, recruiters can create a more positive and engaging experience. This can include communication style, the recruitment channels used, and the types of information provided to candidates.

Prioritizing the candidate experience, especially for hourly workers, is critical to attracting top talent and ensuring a positive outcome for both the candidate and the employer.

Meet Candidates Where They Are, When They Are Available

With approximately 86% of hourly applicants using their mobile phones to apply for jobs, it’s a major advantage to have applications that are easy to access and complete on a smartphone. By making the recruitment process mobile-friendly, and recruiters can ensure that candidates can access information about the company from anywhere, at any time.

Utilizing technology that makes calendar scheduling faster and “self-service” is another quick way to reduce time to hire and get prospective workers into the pipeline more quickly; especially in a high-volume operation, this type of technology helps keep track of important appointments and sending automatic friendly reminders to alert applicants of due dates or information needed.

Self-service and mobile-friendly technologies can play a significant role in creating a positive candidate experience and meeting applicants where they are. By providing candidates with easy access to information about the job, company, and application, recruiters can ensure that candidates stay engaged with the process.

This question originally appeared on Quora – the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

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