May 2024

This Working Mom Overcame Decades of Employment Bias to Become The CEO of Her Own 6K-Figure Company. Here’s How She Overcame Adversity.

This Working Mom Overcame Decades of Employment Bias to Become The CEO of Her Own 6K-Figure Company. Here’s How She Overcame Adversity.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

It’s no secret that working mothers still face discrimination in the workplace. With few legal protections in place, many moms are pushed out of workplaces (laid off or fired) and subjected to stereotypes about their competency. I’ve faced discrimination as a working mother several times since 1997. I’ve been passed over for a promotion and stepped down from a leadership role because of the discrimination I faced.

From the moment I saw that little blue plus sign, I’ve been fighting for equality at work and home. A lack of paid leave, exorbitant childcare costs and discrimination made my early career difficult at best, and for the majority of Americans, makes it nearly impossible to have a family.

I was just 24 years old when I became a mom for the first time. I was new at many things then: adulthood, marriage, and home ownership. I had no idea that the statistics were so stacked against me. Gender disparity didn’t cross my mind—that’s just the way it was. Little did I know that I was stepping into an entirely new world—one that would continually discount me.

As it turns out, new mothers who take fewer than eight weeks of paid maternity leave are at higher risk for depression and experience poorer overall health. My husband and I were a young couple starting out, so while I desperately wanted more time with my newborn, my mind reasoned that the six weeks of paid maternity leave my employer offered me would be enough — we couldn’t afford for me to take additional time away from work without pay. We weren’t alone. Two-thirds of workers don’t take needed leave because they cannot afford it. They’re also unable to afford daycare. For infants, the average cost of center-based childcare is more than in-state public college tuition in 34 states.

On my first day back from maternity leave, I learned that the young man hired a few months prior had been promoted over me. When I asked my boss why I’d been overlooked for the promotion, she told me she disagreed with it, but it was out of her hands. According to a Pew Research Center analysis, 16% of working parents have been passed over for promotion because they have children, and mothers are more likely than fathers to report this experience.

My company’s office hours were 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. I had to walk out the door at exactly 5:30 pm every day to pick up my son by 6 pm or pay $1 for every minute I was late. Still, I was pulled aside and talked to about always leaving on time when other employees were staying late, as though it spoke to a lack of work ethic or drive to succeed on my part. I wasn’t alone. Mothers are 40% more likely than fathers to report that childcare issues harmed their careers.

There are so many lessons I learned during those early years. Looking back now, it’s easy to see where the bias was and what changes were needed to create equality. My only recourse was to take matters into my own hands. Here are six tips for recognizing and navigating adversity to build a thriving career.

Related: Why Women’s Entrepreneurship is Booming Right Now

Tip 1: Change starts at home

If you carried a baby for nine months and gave birth, you’ve done 100% of the parenting work so far; don’t let your partner assume you’ll continue to do so.

Like most infants, ours didn’t sleep through the night for many months. So, I went to work exhausted every day. One day, a few weeks after returning from maternity leave, I fell asleep at my desk. The owner of the company walked by, saw me and sent me home. When I told my husband about it and asked him to help, he responded, “I can’t. I have a job.” Not only was I devalued at work, but I was also devalued at home by the one person who mattered most.

When a couple is deciding who will take more time away after the birth of a baby, it makes financial sense for the one who makes less money to take more time away. That means maternity leave typically falls to mothers because women make less than men. If companies paid men and women equally, this conversation would be eliminated as part of the decision, and it would make more financial sense for each partner to take equal time off work. That would, in turn, change the perception at home.

Tip 2: Take matters into your own hands

When my son was about eight months old, my husband and I decided to move closer to family. When we found our new home, I began searching for childcare. Daycare centers were insurmountably expensive, so I interviewed several moms who provided daycare in their homes. I walked away from every meeting deflated.

I couldn’t find trusted care for my son, and I continued to be overlooked and undervalued at work. That’s when I decided to join the 43% of women who leave the workforce after having children. I quit my job and started my own in-home daycare. I used my marketing background to get the word out, and within two weeks, I was caring for three toddlers and an infant full-time with an expectant couple on a waitlist. I spent the next six years taking care of little ones and raising my own.

Tip 3: Think long-term, act short-term

By 2005, I’d earned my writing degree and was freelancing as a copywriter. Two years later, in the midst of a recession, my husband and I separated. With two school-aged boys and a two-year-old daughter at home, I was forced to go back to work full-time.

Finding work in a recession is difficult enough, but having a nine-year lapse on my resume didn’t help. It was virtually impossible to land an interview and, much less be offered a job that paid enough to afford childcare. Unsurprisingly, women who took just one year off from work earn 39% less than women who did not. Desperate for a full-time job with health benefits, I took an account manager position. The salary wasn’t enough to cover daycare costs, so I held onto my freelance clients. I’d work all day, and then after tucking my kids in at night, I’d tuck into my freelance writing projects. It wasn’t something I wanted to do forever, but short-term, it paid the bills, and long-term, it would set me up to start my own business.

Tip 4: Look for opportunities

In 2011, the recession hit the marketing industry, and companies dropped their ad agencies in favor of working with freelancers to ease budgets. My number of freelance clients more than doubled, while at the same time, our agency’s roster of clients was cut in half. That allowed me to negotiate to work on my freelance projects during business hours in exchange for a percentage of my freelance revenue. I was able to take on more clients without giving up all my evening hours so that I could still be a present parent to my kids and get enough sleep at night to face the day ahead.

By 2013, my freelance business was thriving, and on August 1, 2013, I quit my job to work for myself full-time. That decision changed my life and our home. It’s not surprising that a whopping 75% of self-employed women love their job. Working for myself allowed me to put my priorities in order and plan my working hours around my family, not the other way around. I worked late into the night but also took hours off for after-school trips to the park, family dinners and homework time.

Tip 5: Be open

In 2015, I was offered the role of content marketing director for a freelance client. While I loved the flexibility of working for myself, it was an incredible opportunity to build and manage a content writing department from the ground up. I accepted the role and learned all I could. A year later, traveling and late nights became too much, and I needed to be more available to my kids. I gave my notice and negotiated a 12-month freelance writing contract in exchange for hiring my replacement. Within a few months, I launched a marketing agency.

Related: What Do We Tell Young Women Considering Entrepreneurship? Here are 6 Key Messages to Share

Tip 6: Remember that actions speak louder than words

In 2021, my previous employer offered me another role. This time, it was a C-suite position and a stake in the business for bringing my agency into his company as the social media arm of the business. I said yes, knowing that, at the very least, I’d learn something, and at best, I’d grow the agency much quicker than I could on my own. While I enjoyed the stable income and benefits, I was drowning in work, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t change the culture. I began looking for support through networking groups and was invited to join CHIEF, a powerful network of women executives. This was an incredible opportunity to learn from other female executives, network with peers and get in front of potential clients; all things my male peers had in spades. I laid out the benefits and requested that my company sponsor the membership. They declined.

Deciding it was well worth the investment, I paid the fee myself. When I published a LinkedIn post announcing my membership, the CEO expressed disappointment that I hadn’t mentioned his company in my post. That’s when I decided I could no longer work with or for companies that refused to invest equally in male and female executives. In June 2022, I gave my notice and pulled my agency out of the merger.

On Mother’s Day, we celebrate moms — and companies do, too. It’s no secret that brands are increasingly jumping on the bandwagon of social causes, but consumers aren’t fooled by the many that pay it lip service. They want to see real change.

Want to celebrate moms? Offer paid maternity, paternity and family leave so that working parents can take the time they need to give their children and their families a healthy start. Normalize paternity leave so that fathers can be equally responsible for and able to bond with their children.

More than 120 countries, including most industrialized nations, provide paid maternity leave and health benefits by law, according to an International Labour Office (ILO) report. The United States’ failure to do so leaves 80% of the workforce without any paid time off after the birth of a child. Nearly half are not even guaranteed unpaid, job-protected leave through the Family and Medical Leave Act.

The answer isn’t to leave the workforce. The answer is for the government to join nearly every other nation in offering paid family leave. Until then, taking matters into our own hands is the only answer.

Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” The same is true for companies. Work-life balance issues cause conflict for an astonishing 72% of women. Don’t share your time and talents with a company that doesn’t support you.

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This Working Mom Overcame Decades of Employment Bias to Become The CEO of Her Own 6K-Figure Company. Here’s How She Overcame Adversity. Read More »

7 AI Secrets Every Entrepreneur Must Know: AI Quiz and Breaking News from OpenAI You Can’t Miss

7 AI Secrets Every Entrepreneur Must Know: AI Quiz and Breaking News from OpenAI You Can’t Miss

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Curious how AI can save you $100,000 and dramatically increase your leads? In this weeks video, I walk you through 7 critical questions from our unique quiz that uncovers the AI secrets every entrepreneur must know! Plus, breaking news from OpenAI that could profoundly alter the landscape of content management and search engine optimization.

Take the AI skills quiz here (available for a limited time) and equip yourself with practical knowledge by grabbing a copy of my new book, ‘The Wolf is at the Door – How to Survive and Thrive in an AI-Driven World.’

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Tesla Is Reportedly Rehiring Laid Off Supercharger Employees

Tesla Is Reportedly Rehiring Laid Off Supercharger Employees

Weeks after the bombshell news that Elon Musk fired the entire Tesla supercharger overnight, some executives and team members are reportedly being asked to return to the company.

Musk reportedly has brought back the director of charging for North America Max de Zegher, one of the 500 employees let go, according to Bloomberg, which cited people familiar with the matter.

The outlet did not specify how many employees had been asked back to work, but noted it was more than one.

Related: Tesla Is Reportedly Revoking Internship Offers to College Students Weeks Before Their Start Dates: ‘I Spent Thousands On Housing’

Per de Zegher’s LinkedIn, his position is still listed as “Director — Charging, North America at Tesla,” a position he’s held for nearly two years.

Last month’s layoffs left many employees “in shock” when they were told their positions were defunct.

“In the middle of the night, I learned, along with all my Tesla Global Charging colleagues, the Tesla Charging org is no more,” Lane Chaplin, Tesla’s former North America real estate lead, wrote on LinkedIn at the time. “Thank you to all who have reached out to me already. Your friendship during the good times as well as the bad is sincerely appreciated.”

Musk seemingly addressed the layoffs via X, noting then that Tesla still planned on growing its Supercharger network albeit at a “slower” pace than originally anticipated.

Tesla Employee Was Sleeping in His Car Before Lay Off

Elon Musk is known for promoting a “hard-core” work culture, and employees have gone to great lengths to comply — some even slept under their desks when Musk took over Twitter.

One former employee, Nico Murillo, recently went viral on LinkedIn for sharing his story of sleeping in he parking lot to avoid a commute before being laid off.

“At one point in 2023, I was even sacrificing sleeping in my car on work days just to avoid commuting to work. Showered at the factory and slept in the parking lot. Microwaved dinner in the break room,” the former Tesla Production Supervisor wrote. “Sacrificed a lot for the company. But this is just a small part of a chapter that is ending, and there’s a whole book waiting to be written.”

Related: Elon Musk Tells Investors Cheaper Tesla Electric Cars Should Arrive Ahead of Schedule

Tesla reported a 9% quarterly revenue decrease during its Q1 2024 earnings call last month, the biggest drop the company has seen since 2012.

Earlier this month, college students reported that the electric vehicle company revoked their offers for summer internships just weeks before they were slated to start without explanation.

Tesla was up just shy of 3% year over year as of Monday afternoon.

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Communicate Your Business Data Better with This  Deal Through May 22

Communicate Your Business Data Better with This $20 Deal Through May 22

Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you’ll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners.

Communicating and executing complex projects and operations can be challenging for even the most thoughtful and devoted entrepreneurs and team leaders. To help your business create events, initiatives, helpful analytical reviews, communications, and more, consider setting it up with a capable diagramming tool to help map out and guide those endeavors.

For entrepreneurs interested in a limited-time opportunity to save on a fantastic edition of Visio, from May 13th through 11:59 p.m. PT on the 22nd, you can get Microsoft Visio 2021 Professional for Windows for only $19.97 (reg. $249). This one-time purchase features an on-premises solution for one PC of the user’s choice.

Visio gives users access to diagramming tools, with specific features for creating flowcharts, org charts, and even floor plans. To customize and shape a diagram to the specific needs of a given project or subject, users can choose from and work with any of Visio’s quarter-million-plus shapes. You can use these in addition to stencils and templates when shaping charts to your needs.

Visio comes with a number of additional helpful tools, including brainstorming generators like fishbone diagrams and SWOT analysis tools. It also supports the construction of network diagrams, and connecting diagrams to real-time data to help make faster decisions and glean helpful insights.

This deal is rated an average of 5/5 stars from 12 reviews on the Entrepreneur Store, with one recent one describing this as an “incredible deal on Visio 2021 Pro!”

From May 13th through 11:59 p.m. PT on the 22nd, you can get Microsoft Visio 2021 Professional for Windows for only $19.97 (reg. $249).

StackSocial prices subject to change.

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Warren Buffett Learned A Lot About His iPhone This Week

Warren Buffett Learned A Lot About His iPhone This Week

The phone lines were down at Berkshire Hathaway’s headquarters for a few days this week — so CEO Warren Buffett worked from his iPhone.

“I don’t know how to do much with it, but I do know how to answer calls,” Buffett, 93, told The Omaha World-Herald on Wednesday.

“I’m glad we didn’t sell all of our Apple,” he joked.

Related: ‘I’m Smarter Now…But Also Poorer’: Warren Buffett Says Berkshire Hathaway Ditched Its Entire Stake in Paramount at a Big Loss

Buffett only upgraded to an iPhone four years ago after previously using a $20 flip phone.

Buffett told CNBC’s Becky Quick in February 2020 that he uses his iPhone “as a phone” and doesn’t use “all its facilities like most people.”

Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The news of Buffett using his iPhone for work calls comes days after Berkshire Hathaway’s annual shareholder meeting, which saw the conglomerate cut 13% of its stake in Apple, or about 115 million shares.

At Apple’s March 28 closing price of $171.48 per share, Berkshire seems to have sold around $20 billion worth of Apple.

Apple is still Berkshire’s largest holding and Berkshire remains Apple’s single largest shareholder. Berkshire still has 6% of the iPad maker or 905 million shares worth about $167 billion, according to Apple’s Thursday closing price.

Related: Read Warren Buffett’s Annual Letter to Berkshire Shareholders

At Saturday’s shareholder meeting, Buffett hinted that Berkshire reduced its Apple stake for tax reasons. He said he was confident in the leadership of Apple CEO Tim Cook, who was in the room at the time.

“We will own — unless something really extraordinary happens — we will own Apple and American Express and Coca-Cola when Greg takes over this place,” Buffett said, referring to future Berkshire CEO Greg Abel.

Apple makes up one-fifth of Berkshire’s portfolio. Berkshire’s next four biggest holdings are Bank of America, American Express, Coca-Cola, and Chevron.

Related: ‘An Obvious Move’: Elon Musk Suggests Warren Buffett Should Make This Investment Move Next

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Warren Buffett Learned A Lot About His iPhone This Week Read More »

Keep Learning with Rosetta Stone and More During Limited-Time Price Drop

Keep Learning with Rosetta Stone and More During Limited-Time Price Drop

Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you’ll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners.

Businesses and business leaders can benefit from ongoing education. It can help inform you on trends in new markets and tools to access old ones that have been previously out of your reach. From brushing up on the latest digital marketing best practices to learning a new language, there are many ways you can set yourself up for improved business in the future.

To help aid in your ongoing growth as an entrepreneur and learner, you can get the Unlimited Lifetime Learning Subscription Bundle featuring Rosetta Stone for $179.99 (reg. $849) using coupon code: ROSETTA through May 12th only.

The lifetime subscription to Rosetta Stone included in this deal allows you to study all of the 25 different languages on the platform, which has been used for nearly three decades by TripAdvisor, NASA, and additional respected organizations. It uses speech recognition technology and lessons that mimic how we learn our native languages to help optimize the learning process.

This discounted bundle also features lifetime access to StackSkills Unlimited Online Courses, which features a rotating selection of e-learning experiences focused on a wide range of universally applicable subjects. Get access to over 1,000 online courses on IT, business, marketing, and a lot more with this highly rated subscription.

As a whole, this bundle is rated an average of 4.8/5 stars by verified purchasers in the Entrepreneur Store. Business leaders who understand the value of ongoing education will appreciate this opportunity.

Remember that you can get the Unlimited Lifetime Learning Subscription Bundle featuring Rosetta Stone and StackSkills Unlimited for $179.99 (reg. $849) using coupon code: ROSETTA when you order through May 12th.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

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Keep Learning with Rosetta Stone and More During Limited-Time Price Drop Read More »

Protect Your Business Computer From Hackers and Trackers with This  VPN Deal

Protect Your Business Computer From Hackers and Trackers with This $70 VPN Deal

Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you’ll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners.

Browsing online and using public networks can make your computer vulnerable to a wide range of hackers and trackers. For entrepreneurs running a business, being bogged down or having your team members bogged down by dangerous, cost-threatening disruptions like these is unacceptable.

A good way to keep you and your team safe and working fast while online is with a reliable VPN subscription. To help, this Windscribe VPN Pro Plan three-year subscription is available for $69.97 (reg. $207) through May 12th at 11:59 p.m. PT.

Windscribe can be a great VPN subscription for entrepreneurs and small businesses because it supports unlimited devices. Going beyond typical VPN services, Windscribe offers itself as a desktop application and browser extension. All-in-all, it can be used to unblock websites, block ads, and keep you safe without expecting you to configure a wide range of complicated settings.

Windscribe’s no-logging policy will keep your team safe, and its high-end encryption methods will keep their data safe from hackers and trackers.

This service runs on a system of servers in more than 69 countries and 112 cities. It uses something called split tunneling, which allows users to choose which apps use the VPN and which ones don’t. This is a great feature for teams with remote employees who toggle between work and personal programs on the same screen.

Windscribe is rated Very Good on Tom’s Guide and 4/5 stars and above on Tech Radar, PC World, and G2.

Don’t forget that this Windscribe VPN Pro Plan three-year subscription is available for the best-of-web price of $69.97 (reg. $207) only through May 12th at 11:59 p.m. PT.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

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7 Ways to Empower Mothers in the Workplace

7 Ways to Empower Mothers in the Workplace

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Empowering mothers in the workplace takes a thoughtful and multifaceted approach. Today, women in most households still bear the brunt of the majority of familial and household responsibilities while also working full-time. It’s unfair — and saying that it’s a lot to juggle and have on your plate is an understatement. The reality is that moms are expected to be everything both at home and at work, and that can be incredibly difficult and daunting physically, mentally and emotionally.

As a mother and entrepreneur myself, finding ways to elevate the mothers at my own company and create a culture that truly fosters work-life balance has been paramount from day one. Since starting ZenToes in 2015, I’ve grown my own family, hired an incredible team of women who have done the same and managed, with the help of my team, to grow Zentoes into a multimillion-dollar business.

While seeing your business’ success demonstrated through metrics and revenue growth is amazing, what’s been most rewarding is witnessing how dedicated our incredible team of employees is to grow with us. Below, I’ve outlined seven tips for other entrepreneurs looking to empower their employees.

1. Have flexible hours and work arrangements

Remote work options are critical in helping to ensure flexibility in schedules for moms to balance family responsibilities, including everything from pickups and drop-offs to sick days at home with the kids. They’ll also create happier attitudes towards work overall.

Related: Want to Be More Productive as a Working Mom? Try These Steps

2. Put women in leadership positions

Having women in leadership positions is crucial to creating mentorship opportunities and fostering the next wave of leaders. Creating opportunities for other women in the workplace helps elevate all women.

Related: Why I Hire and Invest in Working Moms

3. Support professional development

We believe strongly in not doubting the gaps in some women’s resumes from staying home with young children. Parenting can be a huge learning curve for people management. It’s also important to offer professional development opportunities specifically to help mothers feel confident in the time they are out of the workforce.

4. Encourage work-life balance

Prioritize having open and honest conversations with employees around ‘mom guilt’ and the need to ‘do it all.’ Employees will both feel happier and perform better when they feel at ease and balanced in their personal and professional lives. To us, it’s essential to create space for women who have families or are planning to have families to be able to take the time they need to feel successful in both work and family life.

5. Ensure redundancies to cover leave

This applies to both sides of the parental relationship! At my company, our small, scrappy team has had to identify and build redundancies to ensure the work still moves forward, and we’re not without coverage while a parent is out on leave. Documenting SOPs and having collaborative decision-making processes have been instrumental in ensuring our success.

6. Allowing for social outlets at work

It’s beneficial to have casual, weekly team-building meetings that cover social topics that allow for group sharing amongst our employees. It’s a moment for everyone not to be focused on just work or just their families and be able to share about themselves as individuals.

Related: What Working Moms at Your Company Really Need This Mother’s Day

7. Don’t forget about the partners on the other side of these working mothers

Offer the same benefits to both partners in a family unit – flexible hours, work redundancies, etc – to normalize and allow partners to be more equal at home. If they have the same flexibility, there should be a correlation in the undertaking of responsibilities – lending well to supporting a more equal future. In my household, my husband taking a fair share of the household load has been instrumental in making ZenToes a success.

Entrepreneurs should approach creating work policies, arrangements, benefits and team-building initiatives holistically, paying particular attention to the diverse needs of all employees, especially moms. Ultimately, moms are an incredibly valuable part of any business team, bringing vision and a uniquely thoughtful perspective to their work each day. Allowing for balance, honesty and communication is critical. Your company and all your employees will be better off with it.

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How Small Businesses Can Master a Complex Labor Market

How Small Businesses Can Master a Complex Labor Market

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Navigating today’s labor market is a high-stakes game for small businesses as they compete to attract top talent. The U.S. Chamber reports that while there are 9.5 million job openings in the U.S. this year, there are only 6.5 million workers to fill them. With small businesses employing over one-third of all U.S. workers, a labor shortage can amplify the pressure to find and retain employees. But as small businesses look at their workforce, it’s not just about filling roles; it’s about meeting the needs of both new and current employees to build an enduring team committed to helping the business grow.

Here are a few strategies for small businesses to consider as they build and strengthen their teams.

Related: 4 Ways the Labor Market Is Changing Right Now

Create a hiring plan that looks a year ahead

For small businesses where time and resources are often limited, it’s crucial to be a few steps ahead when hiring new talent. Waiting until there’s an immediate hiring need can lead to a scramble and ultimately constrain revenue growth. To avoid this, map out your anticipated hiring needs for the next year.

When building a hiring plan, make sure to account for seasonality or peak periods of your business experiences, any expected attrition, anticipated growth in your business and desired efficiencies you’re hoping to achieve. This will help ensure you’ve created a resourcing plan that will better support you in effectively running and growing your business, and can give you a runway of two to three months lead time to have additional hires in place when they’re needed most.

Go beyond hard skills when hiring

In the hunt for the perfect candidate, getting caught up in the checklist of hard skills can be easy, but looking for an exact match of qualifications on paper can limit the talent pool. Soft skills like teamwork, active listening and reliability are often the components of what turn employees into partners in your business’s success. They not only determine if your team can thrive, but will also be reflected in how your customers experience your company. During the interview process, use behavioral questions to understand how candidates think and work through complex situations. You’ll find that those skills and experience will translate well to helping you with complexities your business may face.

Approach onboarding like your future depends on it

Onboarding is your chance to establish strong expectations for how you want employees to contribute to and represent your business going forward. Make it count. Set the bar high. These newest employees are your change agents in helping you achieve your dreams for your company. It should also provide a comprehensive roadmap that delivers both company and personal expectations to set everyone up for success. Providing clarity on what’s required of employees and expectations for how they deliver for your team will help your employees understand what you care about, how much you care about them and encourage them to reciprocate with the extra effort you and your business deserve.

Evolve from a paycheck to total rewards

For many employees, money isn’t the sole driver when choosing an employer. While salary increases and other monetary benefits go a long way, these aspects of compensation aren’t the be-all and end-all of employee satisfaction. Gerald Hamel, a QuickBooks customer and treasurer of Make a Chess Move, recognized the importance of this amid the “Great Resignation” and decided to start offering employees more than a paycheck and provide them with a package of benefits that really fit their needs. After all, workers who receive some benefits aren’t likely to leave their current employer for another (only 18% plan to do so). Consider offering other benefits such as comprehensive medical insurance plans, PTO and retirement accounts to attract new employees and increase retention.

Perks that span beyond traditional benefits can also serve as a strong incentive for employee retention. For example, 48% of employees say that flexible work hours are one of the top three aspects they value the most. Consider offering a work structure that can support employees’ work-life balance through hybrid or remote work. These are often important among employees and can help small businesses stand out in today’s competitive workforce environment.

Related: 2024 Could Be the Year that Makes or Breaks a Lot of Small Businesses, According to a New Report

Quantify the pulse of your employees

As a business grows its workforce, performance data becomes crucial to understanding how the team is performing, how engaged team members are and opportunities for improvement. Go beyond asking employees for their feedback. Conducting a formal, anonymous survey will help you quantify and track progress against established employee priorities including their desire to stay, their commitment to being customer-focused every day and their assessment of company operations or career development resources.

Tracking these dimensions over time will help you assess if your efforts to support and grow your employees are paying off. Set joint goals for these scores with your employees and ask them to be involved with developing and implementing improvements that can drive scores up. You’ll find employee commitment is likely to go up when they have an opportunity to inform action plans, realize the benefits and collectively celebrate score improvement.

What makes small businesses stand out in their communities isn’t only their product or service, but the people behind the business. In today’s job market, it takes more than a classified ad to find the right people to help run a business. By embracing thoughtful hiring tactics, nurturing a culture of growth and valuing employee feedback, small businesses can hire and retain employees who are just as invested in the business’s success.

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Save 20% and Stay Loose with This Massager

Save 20% and Stay Loose with This Massager

Disclosure: Our goal is to feature products and services that we think you’ll find interesting and useful. If you purchase them, Entrepreneur may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners.

Running a business is notoriously stressful. According to Forbes, entrepreneurs seem to experience greater stress than other types of workers. Many of us carry the tension of our day-to-day lives in our muscles, most commonly in the neck, shoulders, and back.

If this goes unchecked, it can become an ironic distraction from the work you were stressing about. To keep a balanced and more comfortable status quo, consider the occasional massage.

This Deep Tissue 4-Head Percussion Massager with 12 intensities and four modes for full-body muscle pain relief is on sale for just $127.99 (reg. $159). Featuring 3,3000 RPM, this cordless massager is designed to deliver soothing tissue relief while maintaining a quiet operating mode, so you can use it in your office without distracting anybody outside.

In addition to its 12 intensity levels, this massager features a convenient LED screen that lets you see the settings and battery life easily. Its cordless build makes it easy to maneuver and reach every spot that might need attention. The reliable 2,000mAh battery also ensures a full massage when this massager is charged up.

You can count on the four heads of this percussion massager to deliver a lot of benefits when used correctly and regularly. You can use the massager to reduce stiffness in your muscles, relieve strain from tension, and even increase blood flow, which can be great for your overall health.

This Deep Tissue 4-Head Percussion Massager features 12 intensities and four modes, offering full-body muscle pain relief, and is on sale for just $127.99 (reg. $159).

StackSocial prices subject to change.

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Save 20% and Stay Loose with This Massager Read More »